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Creature: Iragrada Parasite
Project: Personal (Blyhaven)
Genre: Eldritch Horror

Iragrada, a parasite also known as the "rage crawler," is a highly aggressive organism that can be found in various bodies of “water” across Khul’rath (Acheron). This parasite infiltrates the host through any available orifice, such as an open wound or the mouth. Once it gains entry, Iragrada begins the process of taking control.Upon entering the host, the parasite coils its slender tendrils around the spinal cord and brainstem, gradually advancing toward the brain. As it makes its way upward, Iragrada slowly seizes control of the host's nervous system. This process can take anywhere from 3 to 7 days. During this time, the parasite undergoes a dramatic transformation, mutating and growing in size from 2 millimeters to over 30 feet in length.In its final form, Iragrada emerges from the host's body, however, rather than killing the host, the parasite keeps it alive, reducing it to a mere puppet – a shell of its former self. The host is condemned to a painful existence, fully aware yet powerless, forced to witness the horrors of its own transformation.

© 2024 by SIMEON ELIAS. All Rights Reserved.

Creature: Malika, Angel of Aidenn
Project: Personal (Blyhaven)
Genre: Eldritch Horror

© 2024 by SIMEON ELIAS. All Rights Reserved.

Creature: Lygovian, Tier III
Project: Personal (Blyhaven)
Genre: Eldritch Horror

The Elder Spawn. The faces of Prim.

Born of Prim’s hate, Lygovians are typically demonic entities desperate for a host. They devour innocence, cursed with insatiable hunger. Their faces undulate and twist as though composed of inky fluid, mimicking the faces of those you hold dear, or you worst nightmare.

"A dark pact once sealed, eternal, and never ceasing."

© 2024 by SIMEON ELIAS. All Rights Reserved.

Creature: Somafera, The Dreamweaver
Project: Personal (Blyhaven)
Genre: Eldritch Horror

Somafera is a being of the Kastoria order in my personal project, Blyhaven, and serves as both intermediary and main instigator. Masterfully navigating and shaping the essence of dreams, Somafera has the capacity to influence and has influenced the trajectory of reality. The purpose of which has yet to be revealed.

© 2024 by SIMEON ELIAS. All Rights Reserved.

Creature: Karumore, The Pale Death
Project: Personal (Blyhaven)
Genre: Eldritch Horror

Karumore is a creature of tortuous games, cursed with an insatiable hunger for the souls of the Duskborne. However, unlike most of the immortal Ludonai (and subsequent orders), Karumore possesses a unique ability which allows it to perform a type of asexual reproduction. The "new" Karumore forms just under the chest of the original like a growth, until it completely reabsorbs the original in an endless cycle of death and rebirth.

Karumore is part of the "second order" of the Ludonai, called the Kastoria, and is roughly a third as powerful as the Ludonai, but still poses a formidable threat. Sharing the semi-corporeal characteristics of the Ludonai, most Kastoria function as intermediaries, typically communicating through dreams or premonitions.

© 2024 by SIMEON ELIAS. All Rights Reserved.

Creature: Prim, The Chaos Serpent
Project: Personal (Blyhaven)
Genre: Eldritch Horror

Prim serves as the main antagonist and monarch of a pantheon of god-like entities called the Ludonai. These semi-corporeal entities hail from an unforgiving dimension with the native name of Khul'rath (dubbed "Acheron" by human governments), and aim to manifest themselves physically within our dimension by any means.

"In the shadows of Acheron, Prim arose,
A being of chaos and woes.
Whispering secrets of souls adrift
In voids where echoes falter and rift."

© 2024 by SIMEON ELIAS. All Rights Reserved.

Whisper Into the Void

© 2024 by SIMEON ELIAS. All Rights Reserved.